Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Monday, May 26, 2008

Draft EXP3 -UT image captures

exterior of offices

entrance to meeting space
looking up to balcony in meeting space


previous draft of exterior facade


Zhang Yin's scrunched up paper ball lift reminds her how she created her immense wealth from nothing
The circular meeting space table reinforces the notion of equal authority as their is no 'more important' spot. This is further emphasised by the combination of symbolic elements of paper and fabric from both Clients together.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

EXP3 mashup articles

Survival depends upon the power to get away and differentiate one from society. This may be from being housewives, flight attendants, child-care workers, to president, chief executive or senior manager of a company.

To make an impression, you have to be light years ahead. This controls, or has the capacity to control, everything. One must set out to get away from the constant battle of the world's greediest luxury indulgences, and be part of the noble, low-key revolution.

Women don’t need to be exploited by societies murderous mayhem of capitalist controlling pathology. It was an ambitious being which changed the greediest society which began rolling out an expanding family of Women which had to hobble and disfigure themselves by binding their feet- self-sacrificing.

Women were societies most formidable economic and social resources. Women said they had to get away from that, but was careful not to make controversy that would corrupt the economic system. Before women were like Mary’s little lamb, they followed their husband's everywhere. Now they make a hit-and-run impression specialising in shocking lipstick feminism which forced the designer to hobble and disfigure themselves by binding their feet to affirm their essential purpose to make an avalanche of highly competitive design. This successfully ended the anti-feminist societies role and expectations of women being decorative daintiness. This was the eloquent symbol of the new championed equality of women- all part of the magic of
global culture.



Hutton, H 2006,'Thanks to Mao, Zhang Yin's a billionaire', The Guardian, Oct 15, accessed 10 May 2008,


Colman, D 2008, ‘Just a Few Favorite Indulgences ‘, New York Times, 23 March, accessed 10 May 2008, <http://www.nytimes.com/2008/03/23/fashion/23POSS.html>


Steve Jobs http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/people/j/steven_p_jobs/index.html

Monday, May 5, 2008

EXP2 Final submission


view of Jane's space
view of Jane's corridor

view of Stephen's corridor

Exterior view of Stephen's space



Linking meeting space between the ramps
ramps connecting Jane's space (below) and Stephen's space (above)

The Symbolic shrine structure reflects the notion how we have to see the world through other creatures eyes in order to survive in dangerous world.

corridor of Jane's space

Cave like Entrance to Jane's space

Stephen's Space

overlooking the meeting place between the 2 ramps

View of roof top

The complex overlapping ramps corressponds to the notion of the dangers and accidents on earth, however this reaches out to starry sky- the escape

The open space structure of Stephen's spaceship connects the starry sky with the interior of the Stephen's studio -reaching out to the stars

Electroliquid Aggregation
The human race won't survive the next thousand years, unless we spread into space. There are too many accidents that can befall life on a single planet. We have to see the world through eyes other than ours. In the futre we shall reach out to the stars But I'm an optimist. We will reach out to the stars, giving hope in a time of terror.
36 Dark to Light Textures


File Front link to UT model