Monday, March 17, 2008


Word: Innocently
from Patricia Picinnini's work "undivided"


Word: Existance
from Sidney Nolan's work "Carcass"

Beautiful Pic~ Wk 2

A Glass Violin

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

ARCH1101 Studio Session 1

Artist: Ricky Swallow
Title: "Killing Time" (2003-2004)
Media: wood

Noun: Moment
Verb: Immortalise
Adjective: Silently


Artist: Patricia Piccinini
Title: Undivided (2005)
Media: Silicone, fibreglass, human hair, teddy, bed and linen

Noun: Tranquilness
Verb: Unify
Adjective: Innocently

Artist: Sidney Nolan
Title: Carcass (1954)
Media: synthetic polymer paint on composition board
91.4 x 121.5 cm

Noun: Existence
Verb: Confronting
Adjective: Pained


Photograph of Something Beautiful

This photo was taken during the holidays when I went to Beijing. Not only is it beautiful because of its calming, quiet nature but this interesting photo captures the many delicate ice formations on the rock and small plants, depicting an array of unique natural structures made of ice. I feel that this photo provides a strong stimulus for designing a building, because just like how the ice is building its structure on the rock, so too do architects, as they build their imagination onto a site.

An Inspirational Building

Building: The Esplanade
Architect: Koh Seow Chuan, Gan Eng Oon, Vikas Gore, Steven Gan, Cheang Mei Ling, Ti Lian Seng, Chin Thoe Chong, DP Architects Pte Ltd, Michael Wilford , Russell Bevington, David Turnbull, Michael Wilford & Partners

One of the breathtaking buildings that have inspired me to become an architect is The Esplanade Theatre in Singapore. This unconventional structure enables the building to be viewed 360 degrees, having no true front or back face.
Due to Singapore’s hot and humid climate, The Esplanade Theatre celebrates and ties together science and technology with art through its unique hovering canopy, which cleverly addresses Singapore’s hot and humid climatic conditions.

Lastly, I find this building very inspirational as it cleverly weaves its interior space with its outside environment through its structure and extensive use of glass, making the building feel welcoming and open, whilst utilising its waterfront views to the best of its potential.

My Best Piece of Creative Work

This is a photo of my Body Of work called “Hybrid Cultures” which I submitted for the HSC Visual Arts. I believe that my best creative piece is the “ducks” on the right hand side of the photo. The piece is a soft sculpture, and the media used consists of Canvas, cotton stuffing, acrylic paint and Chinese silk. I explored my chosen theme the “East meets West” through the post-modern movement of parody.

The interesting thing about these ducks is that they have been re-contextualised, as they are no longer the traditional greasy “BBQ ducks” that we sigh at in the shop windows of China Town. Rather, they are all wearing funny swim suits in the David Jones shop window. If we look closely at these 10 ducks we will discover that they can actually be created to form 5 duck couples, (eg. The duck wearing MONDRIAN’S hard-edge painting is a couple with the duck wearing Australian Diaspora artist, AH XIAN’S blue Chinese pattern, Or another couple: The pink duck with the words “made in china” and its partner with a bikini tan and the words “Tanned in Australia” tanned on it). The work is no longer there to be looked at, but rather (if it weren’t for the glass shop window) it physically and mentally engages the audience, making the piece an interactive work.