Tuesday, March 11, 2008

My Best Piece of Creative Work

This is a photo of my Body Of work called “Hybrid Cultures” which I submitted for the HSC Visual Arts. I believe that my best creative piece is the “ducks” on the right hand side of the photo. The piece is a soft sculpture, and the media used consists of Canvas, cotton stuffing, acrylic paint and Chinese silk. I explored my chosen theme the “East meets West” through the post-modern movement of parody.

The interesting thing about these ducks is that they have been re-contextualised, as they are no longer the traditional greasy “BBQ ducks” that we sigh at in the shop windows of China Town. Rather, they are all wearing funny swim suits in the David Jones shop window. If we look closely at these 10 ducks we will discover that they can actually be created to form 5 duck couples, (eg. The duck wearing MONDRIAN’S hard-edge painting is a couple with the duck wearing Australian Diaspora artist, AH XIAN’S blue Chinese pattern, Or another couple: The pink duck with the words “made in china” and its partner with a bikini tan and the words “Tanned in Australia” tanned on it). The work is no longer there to be looked at, but rather (if it weren’t for the glass shop window) it physically and mentally engages the audience, making the piece an interactive work.